
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Friday, October 31, 2003

I rock.=) My dad had this broken scanner in the basement for who knows how long. It was just sitting down there and my dad was about to throw it in the trash when I found it. So he said I could have it if I fixed it. So after about an hour today of downloading, plugging stuff in, and putting weird chips in the computer I got it working. So yeah, I rock. Tonight is the barn party I can't wait,I'll take lots of pics. Then work till 2:45am. Isn't life just lovely? I'm going to get some pics scanned in so I can put them on my web site. Today looking at pictures I realized how much I miss the Dodds. Hope Missouri is great.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

just checking the time thing
Happy Birthday Nate. Any how life's going great. Checking out lots of cars. Working exc.. Tomorrow I work from 6:45pm-2:45am. Then Sat I work starting at 9:45. Crazyness, but yeah well I need the money. I'm going to Florida! I can't wait. I miss Josh and Roseanna sooo much. Relient K's new CD comes out November 4th "Deck the halls bruise your hand." You all should get it because they rock. If you want me to get it for you for $10 e-mail me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Sorry, that I haven't updated my blog. It is kinda hard because I don't have a brain to figure out what the address is. So, any how. Life has been going great. Got my first pay check today. =) I can't wait to get a car but at this rate it should take about till I am 16. =( Then it will be summer and I have to pick between going to Florida if I get a chance, Fixing up a car, going to missions, or just hang around and work and help with little kids. I have been praying about it. So, hopfuly I feel led soon.

Friday, October 03, 2003

I'm putting some new pics on my web site soon. Check them out http://www.geocities.com/godsgirl2472002
I work again tonight. Blahh. Saving up for my car. I can't wait. Have to get up early tomorrow morning to go to a field trip for school. Rachel comes at 7. I don't get home till about 11:30 P.M. tonight. Then mom yells at me for not getting enough sleep. I can't really work around it huh? Well, I am going to go have a nicely cooked hot dog. (Jaron is the master CHEF.)

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