
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Friday, November 21, 2003

Ok, the floor at skateaway isn't done. It just is looking better. In fact they will be closed a couple days in December to fix the floor. Keep praying for skateaway and the floor mess. The government said they won't pay and is being a pain. So yeah just keep all those people in mind. Well, God bless I am leaving tonight between 10-12. =) Yippy I can't wait. I'm soooo exited.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift that is why we call it present.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Kairsie freakin' rocks! and Parker freaking rocks! There got that clarified. =) Sorry I can't fix it on my web page just yet. alrighty then buh bye.
Thanks Josh!=) I had a great time. The movie was great. I work tomorrow yeah. I need money for Florida. My dad keeps calling Andy (The owner of "my" camaro.) but he can't get a hold of him. =( Well, I need to do lots of wash and send some more e-mails. Luv ya all. Debbie the floor looks great and you rock so much I love you.=) Bye everyone you can all freeze while I am getting a tan.=)-
Sorry guys, I haven't been going online much trying to cut it down. I have been cleaning and packing for Florida. I haven't been doing much fun stuff so I can't really right long post. Hopefully I can blog while in Florida. Let ya all know what's going all. I can't wait. Well, I have to get ready I am going to the movies with Rachel, and Josh Ludwig. God bless ya all. Keep sending me e-mails.=)

Monday, November 17, 2003

I met Jeremy Camp! He was chillin' at JOY bookstore. Rachel and I got a CD signed, and talked to him for a little bit. He is cool. Rob rocks he gave me three Relient K posters for free.=) Well, I have to pack for Florida. Luv ya all. Josh Ludwig rocks, but he can't use a pencil right.=)

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I have a stop sign.=) Yes, I have lived in my house for 2 years, and I just realized I have a stop sign. Though with this wind it might not stay up very long. I also have a cute lamp post. I feel special none of my neighbors have a lamp post or a stop sign. My dad couldn't find the camaro.=( He drove around but couldn't find it. He said we would try again Sunday. O well, I guess if God wants me to have that car he'll make it all work out.
Snow! Yay, I love snow. Now Rachel can say she saw snow before she went back to Florida. Sorry this post is so short. I don't know what to say. I am waiting for my dad to get home. He is looking at "my" camaro. So God bless.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

My cat is sooo cute. Maybe I'll make a web page for him. Today I got the new Relient K CD "Deck the halls bruise your hand." It rocks totally making fun of a lot of Christmas songs, and making the others rock. Any how I am sitting at my computer desk listening to it and Alsan (my cat) jumps on my lap and falls asleep. He never does that. Maybe he did it today because I am wearing a black shirt or maybe he is starting to like me. =)Either way he is cute. Well, I have to get all my school done today so my dad will call about seeing the Camaro. God bless ya all.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

I fell skating today. This time though it wasn't my fault. I was skating and my skate broke. I work tonight fun fun. Hey everybody should go to my site because it rocks and I updated it. So any how I am aloud to use the camera again.=) I am sooo happy. Well, God bless ya all.

Monday, November 10, 2003

I can count! In Spanish that is. Co-op was fun today. Josh Ludwig rocks. I was talking with my parents
today and they don't want me to get a car. They say "Your 15 Mel." Duh like I don't already know that. So, now they want me to focus on school because I think about cars more then school. I don't understand Jaron thinks about music much more then school.GRR......I was praying about it all and I believe that I should trust my parents and obey them. It is just so hard with a camaro calling my name. Well, gotta get ready for Christian Family Night Skate tonight. God bless.

Sunday, November 09, 2003

I haven't posted for awhile so I'll let you in on my life. I have been car shopping and I am picking between 79camaro (With some help from my parents hopeful.) or a cavalier. The camaro is like twice as much money. They both need work, but I think it would be soo much fun to fix up a car. Christian family night skate is tomorrow I can't wait. I was thinking as I read other blogs I hope mine isn't boring like theirs. Hint hint. I need to get some more pics on my web site God bless you all.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

I like when you go to wall-mart trying to find summer clothes in November so you can go to Florida and not roast, and you look and there are rakes of summer clothes for 1-5 dollars. Last night the bat was in my wall squealing at my head. Only this time it sounded like more then one. I can sleep throw a lot but not that. Here is a great web site you can buy cool stuff from. Field trip tomorrow! Can't wait everyone is coming to my house at 7:30am. So I have to get some sleep. God bless you all.
Don't you hate when you wake up and decide "I am going to have a great day no mater what happens." Then you walk out the door and every one is mad and everything is going wrong. It's like the world is trying to make it hard for you to be happy. Any how two nights ago we had a bat stuck in our wall. It was so gross. I love working at skateaway it rocks the people there are so fun. I have to go I'll update my site later. God bless.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Kids are so cute. I mean today watching little kids form church was fun. Skating was well....skating always filled with lots of who likes who drama. Look guys you can think what you want. I don't care. God is my guy.=) Any how when we left we took Rachel but on the way home we passed Rachel's Nana and had to turn around. So yeah, thanks for the key words Kair. I was wondering what people thought of listening to nonChristian music. Because I listen to it sometimes with my mom and at skateaway. So,yeah, Jesse, I did a spell check on my blog to and your right it says blog is spelled wrong. Funny.=)Well, God bless you all.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Co-op this morning. Writing club is fun hearing everyone's stories. They laughed at mine. Jaron's are always quite entertaining. After co-op it was fun hanging with friends. Josh and Josh are soo funny. I have to call Rachel then and see what we are doing for a lesson tomorrow. Hmm....any one know a way to get more people to know where my web page and blog are? I kinda feel like it is for my own enjoyment. Sarah Ludwig rocks. I loved your story today. Can't wait to go skating with you tomorrow. Well, I am going car shopping. =) Pray that if I get a car it is the right one. I want a Honda Civic SI year '94.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Church today, then ate there, Always good. After that Hannah, Rachel, and I planed to go to skateaway. Skating was fun Hannah is sooo cute. Rachel won for being the loudest girl and got a free drink. Rachel and I went skating five times this week. Don't know what I'll do with out her. =( Well, I have to get ready for yg God bless.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Work was great last night. Always busy. It was fun seeing lots of crazy Christians like myself. I am going skating tonight with Raquel (Rachel). We are trying to get lots of skating time in. Rachel is over she says "Hi, and bye and I'm going to the bathroom." (she is a little whacked.) I am sleeping over at her house tonight I hope to have nice dreams unlike last nights unpleasant dream. So God bless the few that go to my blog.

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