
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

I found out that I am old. I always thought that when you can say "O, I have been doing that for the past ten or fifteen years." That you were old. Today I was asked how long I have been going to skateaway and my reply was "Well, about ten years now." After I said that I was like man I am old. Any how I have to go before Jaron cuts my head of with his duct-tape sword. God bless and Have a awesome new year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

I updated my web page. Check it out for new pics.
Well, Christmas rocked. My uncle came thinking we were having Christmas and we had a surprise 40th birthday party for him.
So that just rocked. I also got a digital camera for Christmas. Any how great job to parker for get the most people to skating last night.=) I have been working nonstop. Which is good. I have to think of a costume for tomorrow night. It is a sports theme. Jaron is making a duct-tape armor. You all should come. Any how God bless and have a happy new year. Luv ya all.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

There is this thing holding me back with God. I try really hard to get rid off it then I do it again. I use to blame it on my parents for doing it in my face. Ok, how can parents sin and then when you sin they get really mad. When you get older it doesn't mean some of God's rules don't apply to you. We are all the same in God's eyes. I am giving my problem to God again trying my hardest every to stop. This is not my parents fault this is mine. I have to learn to take control. I have this passion for God I am not going to let it go away for something dumb like that. Any how sorry for shooting that sermon at you. Life is going ok. Christmas is almost here. I can't believe it. It so does not feel like Christmas. I am playing Happy Christmas 2 over and over to get it in me, but no matter what I don't feel like Christmas is coming. Maybe tomorrow when I go to church for the Christmas party. I know why I don't feel like it's Christmas. Rachel isn't here.=( To make things worse there is no snow.=( Well, God bless ya all. I probly won't be online for awhile. MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Speaking of new years you all should come to Zion New years for the best party ever. Jeff is planning a marshmallow fight.=)

Monday, December 22, 2003

Things I learned in 2003
1.God provideds when you learn to trust.
2. Good friends will truly last forever. No mater how far apart.
3. Some times you have to have tuff love.
4. Turkey Hill has the best peanut butter ice cream.
5. Never judge people by what they look like. You could miss out on good friends.
6. How much a smile and encouraging word really means. It could even save a life not kidding.
7. Dyeing hair burns.
8. I have awesome friends.
9. God has more in store for my life then I think.
10. Death isn't cool when it could be a close friend.
11. Cherish people we all will pass away.
12. Creation stinks.
13. God is the only one that gives true peace.
14. How to say "no" when a guy asks me out.
15. Walk don't run in case of emergency.
16. Being clean only means you'll find more spiders then in a dirty room.
17. How to use a digital camera.
18. Road kill looks best after three days.
19. Don't jump in a stinky elevator.
20. Liking a guy changes but love for a good friend always stays.
21. No mater how good or bad or whatever you say God will always love you the same.
22. About Mini Coopers.
23. Kids can teach you the best lessons in life.
24. How much I hate braces.
25. I yield sign is red and white not yellow.
26. A lot about Vikings.
27. What Florida looks like.
28. How much people care for me.
29. Love for your family is stronger then love for friends.
30. Never lock your keys in the car.
31. Don't put duct-tape on your tapes.
32. Don't run in the Kitchen with wet feet. You could fall and dislocate your big toe.
33. Some guys like sparkly green toe nails.
34. God is there even when you don't feel him.

Eww, last night Jaron and I were driving k? This big, black, dog was walking in the road. What is worse is I saw it and Jaron didn't since it was night. I was like "Jaron." We got closer to it and Jaron swerved, and we lived. But the gross thing is when we went by it I saw a bone in it's mouth. Not a dog bone, but a animal leg bone. Yuck. Jaron is still claiming it was a bear.=)- Silly guy.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

One week till Christmas! I am so bored, some one call me and lets hang. Any one still interested in going skating 6-9 on the 29th? It is free to get in if you get a pass from me. Please come. I have no idea what to say so I'll let ya go. God bless, luv ya all. Some more then others :)-

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Last night at midnight Kairsie and I saw the Return of the king. For you that like Romantic movies you'll like this, for you that like action you'll love this. The movie just rocked. Not as much death as I would have liked, but all in all it was cool. After the movie it was about 4am so we got Breakfast at a dinner then went home to bed. Well, I had better right my paper for school. Love ya all.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Cell phones are fun!=) I like sending messages in school and getting in trouble. Seeing on my phone 1 missed call. Well, not the fact I missed a call, but the fact I got one. Wow, Christmas is really coming. I can't wait, I am done my Christmas shopping. Sunday I get my first Christmas present. I have to keep reminding my self it is about the giving not the getting. Which is odd for me. Well, I have to go. Luv ya all.;)

Monday, December 15, 2003

I don't like pencils. You lose a pencil and yet some how you see your friend with it a month later, so you grab it from them and take it. What's the big deal? A pencil? Whatever. So any how I did some more Christmas shopping today. I think I am done but there is always another person. So, if you don't get a present form me it is not because I hate you it is because I am out of money. I can't wait till Wednesday, the Lord of the rings, Return of the king comes out. I miss you Rachel. You'll be getting your pictures with your present. Well, God bless ya all. I love you.;)

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Life sucks, I know it could be worse but yeah. I want to be 18 so I could move away and be by myself. I hate this. I don't want to talk. Leave me alone. (Except Rachel F.) I love ya all but don't want to talk. Happy Birthday Andrew I love you. Hope your 18th is great. Please follow the one way signs when I am in a car with you. Any how I think I am going to blare Blindside and sit in my room and think, as I destroy my Biology book.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

My mom rocks! My dad is now working second shift so he doesn't get home till midnight and doesn't go to sleep till about 2 every morning. So, My bed time went from 10 to 12! I also didn't have to get up till 10. I am starting to like my dad's new job. The only thing I don't like is having supper at 12:30PM instead of 6:00pm. Well, I am going to get my hair cut. Bye bye pink=(. God bless ya all.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Last nights Christmas party was soo fun. Jaron got Parker's name and got this big box with random pieces of rapping paper around it. Inside the box was: A toy car, A hot pink feather duster, a blinking nose, a little locker full of candy, and a roll of camouflage duct-tape. It has so funny seeing him unwrap the gift. JJ had my name....Thanks.=) After that I was taking lots of pictures. Then Kayla, Ashley G., Parker, Jaron and I skated around and got out plungers and were sticking them to the floor. Yeah, all and all I would say I had a great time.
Any how I have to get ready for tonight I am hanging with Jaron. Well God bless.
My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

I miss Rachel.=( Skating was sooo boring today. What's more is Jaron played the most depressing song for couple skate today. I did a survey on the song and 3 out of 4 sad it was sad. So there Jaron stop playing it. Poor John, I would hate being called the biggest pest in my family, although I probably am. =) Sarah, thanks for the card, you ROCK too. Well, I have to go. God bless ya all.

Monday, December 08, 2003

I can't wait till next week when the Lord of the rings movie comes out. I want to go at midnight. Christian family night skate tonight. Yippy. School rocks. I love "Social Studies". Where you find out weird stuff like what soda everyone likes, about pirate ships, and tables that crash on you when you lean on them. I have to go God bless. I am praying for ya Kelly. Luv ya girl.

Friday, December 05, 2003

SNOW! I just got back from Florida and PA welcomes me with wonderful white fluffy snow. My mom says I am being a bum because I won't go out in it unless I am taking pictures. I just think it is too cold. I don't know call me weird but I am chillin' in the house watching movies and that is what I call a good winter. Either that or sit down with hot coco and a good book. Yes, that is the life. Never going outside, and chillin' with good friends and movies.=) Wow this was a really long post. Never meant for it to be this long. O Rachel, my mom said today "I think you are hanging with Rachel too much, you are starting to act really blonde." Alright so my mom says I need a girl to talk to and the only one I can open up to is Rachel and now I can't talk to her. I don't understand. I'll just hang with my guy friends. They all rock.=) Luv ya all. God bless.

Thursday, December 04, 2003

You are Fresh Mint.
You are caring and friendly. You have a nurturing
personality and always help out a friend in
need. You are fairly outgoing, and always show
a friendly face. You truly care for other
people, and you show it. However, you may
neglect your own responsibilites or become over
involved in your friends' personal affairs.
Most Compatible With: Orange

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I have to get all fancy tonight and go to some church thing tonight. BLAH. I hate getting dressed up. I like wearing jeans and a hoodie all winter. Not fancy dresses that have no sleeves and you have to wear all this make up and junk. I don't understand how girls can waste so much time putting make up on. I wear chap stick because my lips are chaped no need for all that other stuff. Guys, I just want to say about the skating thing is you go skating for free and my dear friend Ashley is dj and will play a Christian song if you request it. Doesn't that just rock? Well, I had better get all fancied up. Although the ends of my hair are pink. Yeah,well. God bless ya all.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

I loved the meal at Wendy's Kair. You know just what I wanted when I didn't know. I work tonight.Yippy. Hey, everyone want to go skating Monday, December 29th, 2003 from 6-9pm for free? I have passes for employee appreciation night. Who ever gets the most people to come gets a little money. So please help me and get some passes from me and get some for your friends. It won't be a Christian session but as long as you show up it counts for me. You will have to pay $1.50 for skate rental if you need them. So God bless ya all. Please talk to me if you want to go skating. O, for all you that don't know the skating will be at Skateaway 2275 Lancaster Pike, Shillinton, Pa 19607. See ya there.

Monday, December 01, 2003

You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
I'm back! I just got home from Florida. I had a blast. When I got there the whole Fuhrman family welcomed me with hugs. We unpacked and went to bed since we didn't get there till late. We watched lots of movies, played risk, went swimming, and all kinds of stuff. I took lots of pictures. Rachel, I will miss you guys so much. Disney world was great. I loved the beach. When I came home we has another car in the drive way. My dad bought a truck while I was down there. He also called Andy about my camaro. I look at it Thursday with my poppop. I didn't get a tan.=( But I died my hair blond...Well, I tried to die it blond but it came out red. Yuck.=)- So, Rachel and I walked up to Sally's hair salon and got pink hair die. So I did the ends of my hair pink and she did pink streaks. Well, I have to go unpack. God bless ya all I love you. Andrew you rock honey=) ;)

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