
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Happy birthday....yeah right. First I wake up and have to work all morning. Go to Mcdolalds for lunch.(not what I call nice.) Jaron is being a jerk to me all morning. Went for my permit and failed.....Maybe I should have double checked the questions. Dumb blind people. I would have passed but my last question was what color stick does a blind person use. I didn't know, I guessed, I failed. Since I am born on a "holiday" I can't go again till Tuesday. O, and how many birthday cards did I get in the mall? Zero. I wish some one would have even thought of me.....but in my family it is normal to ignore peoples birthdays. I miss Rachel. I am waiting to have my cake till she comes on July 4th. I'm going to get going. Going with Jaron to work tonight....what freakin fun. Well, look at the bright side. My mom told me today "Mel you can date now.....but good luck finding some one that will want to date you."

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

My party was lots of fun. Painting Josh's face. Kidnapping Jason. Leaving my own party at the end to drive. Friday I go for my permit. I should pass, but I didn't get to study much yet. Selling candy for my missions trip....ya all should buy some. It is 50cents a bar! Today was the last day of Tuesday skating. I had lots of fun and am now sad that it is over. I'll miss my three guys....Nate, Isaiah, and Jonny.=( Well, God bless and give my lots of money....I mean love.

Friday, May 21, 2004

I long for the day when a guy looks in my eyes and says those three little words. They mean so much to me. Makes my heart go crazy. A smile will light up in my eyes. One day some one some where will say it. There has been some that say it but I can't to it to heart. Please some some out there so those words......Keep the change. Even if it is only 25cents.=)- There was no reason for this post. Thanks for letting me use your time. I am bored and so are you! So lalala.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

It is funny how the stuff at the top of the blog is suppose to represent what you talk about. Like Kairsie's has buy punk clothes. Mine has Can't find a boyfriend? =) I am planning a last minute party for myself. It is this Sat for the boys or Friday for the girls. If you want to come call me, and please don't leave a message if I don't answer. Because I don't have it set up yet and I can't check them. O, and bring games if you want. Although *BAM* will be the hit game because I love it. Luv ya all call my cell for more info about the party.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Kairsie's birthday was awesome. My first time playing lazor tag at Lazor quest. It was lots of fun. Today got Sarah 20 roses for her birthday. I am in a bad mood.=( Today my dad said that I had to pay my permit insurance which is $360 and I expected that. But now he says I have to pay for him to drive which is like another $200! I don't have that kinda money.=( So, yeah give me a call on my cell phone to make me happy. And because I am paying for it and I had better use it. Ta ta for now.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

My neighborhood sucks. People are so mean to me. Ok Kair your going to flip when you hear what they did last night. Some one got a bb gun and was shooting my cat with it.=( He is ok but his one leg was shot. About two weeks ago people were throwing stones at my car and scratched up the back but I don't care about that since it needs a paint job. Like a year ago our house was attacked by rotten potatoes. Yeah, move into to my neighbor hood.=)Make all the crazy people leave.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Eww this is Nasty Kair. It is soo much harder to update. Any how I got my one and only 16th birthday present! Guess what it is really guess...........It is a new fan! It has like all these settings. A remote so I can be lazy. A timer so it will turn off during the night. It is awesome. Hehe I am such a dork. Christian family night skate last night was awesome I had so much fun. Mike came which made me happy. Chloe is so cool.=) Got some things cleared up. And the most important thing that changed my life is I found my long lost Pickle! Yes, I am a cucumber if you haven't heard. He is a pickle. This is so happy. My long lost 2nd cousin twice removed is found. Well, I have to work. Working everyday this week. Random thing....Threw away my chapstick last night.=(

Saturday, May 08, 2004

I can't get a guy my age. (please no comments=).) Last night at skating I had the cute ten year old stalkers. Then there was the messed up 21 year old that kept following me around. By the end of the Night he wanted me to move in with him. I was like man I have a boy friend. His thinking was that since I wasn't hanging on any guy there my "boyfriend" wasn't around so I could go with him. Arugh some people are gross. Jaron wasn't there to help me either. I can't wait for my no date prom. It should be really fun....Even if I do end up with a date. =) I have to go. Ta ta for now.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I had clams last night with Kair! It was my first time to try them! I didn't like them that much. Skating was fun yesterday. Kairsie went with and Krystal was there. I have been doing a lot but I can't think what I have done. O, Sunday night Kairsie, Verde, and I slept at Kristi's house. It was fun we put mask stuff on and went to Turkey Hill. I found out that I have nice feet hehe. I insured my car and was driving. Not on the roads yet.=( Daniel gave me a CD player for my car. =) Thanks Dan. I have to figure out how to put it in now. Skating is Monday I can't wait. Should be fun some spring city people are going.=) I have to go. Rock on.

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