
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

This is our diner conversation. "I never was exited about school." My Mom said. My dad replied. "I remember in Kindergarten I use to always paint chairs. I would grab a piece of paper a paint chairs. One day I got mad because the legs of the chairs always blended together. So I painted a chair with out legs. The teacher came to me and asked what it was. I responded it was a chair. Then we got into a big fight. Because I said it was a chair and the teacher said it looked like the letter H. That's about all I remember about Kindergarten."
"I will let you do whatever you want. You can be greedy. You can kill, hate, have lots of money and spend it only on your self. You can have sex outside of marriage. You can have your way. You can live your whole life like this. And whats more once you die you won't really die. You will live for ever. But let me say. You will never see my face. Never feel the joy of knowing you. And even thou you may live forever it will be in hell. You will burn forever in pain. It is your choice. Just remember I love you either way." Sounds tempting at first huh? As humans we want it our way. We want to live in sin. But I know I can live with out someone. It may hurt me. There are people I love. But I can live with out them. I can never live with out God. I can't wait to see his face.
There was no reason I put this post in. I just feel like typing. So have a great day, those who read my blog. God bless, and be crazy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

So, this morning I woke up to the phone. "Hello?" I answer. All I can hear is some lady yelling. She asked me if I was somebody's girlfriend. I not being awake yet didn't hear who. I politely say that I think she has the wrong number. Five min later she calls back. I answer. She asks me "Are you sure you don't have a boyfriend?" "Yes, I'm sure." I respond. Later a guy calls wanting to talk to his "girlfriend". So, I ended up in a relationship with some guy. And he is cheating on some girl for me. Now when I answer the phone I'll simply say "No, I don't have a boyfriend."
The Movie night this Friday is cancled. We'll watch hangman's curse some other time. Some of the people that wanted to see it can't make it. I am going to go to Cat's instead. So, I'll call you when I pick another date.
yesterday I went with Kairsie to the mall. I went to Chick fil A for the first time. It was good, but I was dumb and made a fool outa myself. If any one knows what Chicken and eye contacts have to do with each other let me know.
I got my ear pierched this morning. It was my mom's idea. She wants to see how long it will take before my dad notices. So no one tell him. Shhh.... Well, I have to go. Ta ta for now. (And no I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't want one.)

Monday, August 23, 2004

Purple door was awesome! It rained so bad and it was so muddy. On Sat I was pretty clean then went into Stretch arm strong's mosh pit. I fell. Thanks to whom ever picked me up before I was squished. It was amazing. Mud was flying every where. After that I went around and hugged random guys. I hugged a clean guy in a white shirt. I am very proud of myself.
Supertones where there. Kairsie, Deanna, Alicia, and I started a circle skank pit. Lots of people joined. I like skank pits. They are fun. Someone did the lawnmower dance in the mosh pit and I laughed. Then some one did turn table.
Relient K was good like always, but they need to change the ending. They ended the same as the last concert I was at with them. They have a new song that fit so well it was called "the weather is bipolar." It was so crazy. There was this squid thing flying in the air and it's one tentacle came and hit me in the eye. The mosh pit was huge. Then the last song no one was in the mosh pit. So I joined Kairsie, and Deanna and we went crazy. Atlest I did. I couldn't really tell.
Blindside was canceled again. I was very upset at that. Two years in a row I missed them. Next year I prob won't camp. I might stay at my cousin's house. We got so rained out. It ended up my whole family sleeping in our van....Well, trying to sleep. It was so stuffy and we couldn't open the windows with out tons of rain getting in.
Jon, you're welcome. I was so annoyed with the pop up windows that I took the music off. Who ever still has music on their blog please take it off because when I go to read you're blogs my computer freezes and I have to restart. S0, if you have music I won't go to you're blog. Sorry. Any how I'm going to go. God bless. If you haven't seen hangman's curse and are free this Friday it turns out I don't work so call me. I'll be having a bunch of people over.

Monday, August 16, 2004

There has been a lot going on right now. Not much I want to say. Yesterday rocked. It was 80's day. Gaby looked awesome. I am going to get some pictures up soon. Laura looked good too. We had tons of make up on.
The road rally was fun. I was with Jeff and we went first. Bad thing. First thing we did was tell the people at Rita's not to give the others the info they needed. Then we went by this sign which had a bonus thing on it. We stopped and covered it up. Not against the rules. Then we put the papers for the other teams in the trash can. O, the joy of being with Jeff. Thanks for the ice cream.=)
Today Jaron told me he hit my car. Sure enough there is a white mark on the side of my car. It blends in nice with the others from his friends opening the car door and hitting it. I think he owes me something. What do you guys think? I mean he did hit my car. He says since I didn't notice it till he told me that means he shouldn't do anything. Any how, I had a good day today. I went to the ATM and it told me I can take out $10's! That made me happy. Also I had Chinese today and didn't get a bad fortune. My dad opened his fortune and said "Practice safe sex." My mom smacked him.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Woah, I finally got logged in. I had trouble because it said my session had expired. Yeah, whatever. Kentucky was really cool. It was hard for me. The one day Brook, Will, and I went to get some carpet for this lady. Once we got there I saw the carpet. It was moldy and had bugs were all over it. When we got to the lady it was so hard. Her house was a trailer that was falling apart. There were three little boys running around with big smiles on their faces. They were so happy to have carpet. I felt so bad. To me this was trash. I couldn't believe in America this is how they lived. What was awesome though. Scott (I think) had to get some kind of tile and when he was there he had enough money to buy this lady new carpet! It was amazing. Jeff thought we wouldn't have enough money as it was. I was so touched. I wish I could have seen the lady's face when she heard so was getting NEW carpet!
There were a lot of injures during the week. I fell on the wet floor and hit my toe on the wall. The nail was pushed into the skin. It hurt.:'( I am ok though. I went skating already. Jenelle was running back to the van and jumped and fell. Cutting open her foot and had to go to the ER. She got five stitches. Krystal was coming out of the van and got hit in the head by the door. She had to go to the ER. She then got medicine and the next day she woke up still dizzy. Later we found out she is allergic to the medicine she was taking.
I got really close to God. When ever I saw the kids there God would remind me how much I have. I got close to a lot of people. I learned not to be Petrophobic.;) ;)
We did lots of painting. I painted so much. The school there was in need of it. I ended up being Jonny the one day, Kairsie was a cat, Deanna was my brother James, and Brook was a Italian guy.
I think it was the third day that I was in bed and Krystal says "Mel, I found Flees." Yes, indeed, we had flees in our beds. I had to strip my bed and take Victor's sleeping bag. (Thanks!) I got really bit up. I am washing all my stuff really good so that they don't go else where in my house.
Well, I am tired so if there is anything else about the trip you want to know ask me. God bless, and remember to stay 6 inches away. ;)

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