
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Maybe I should update my blog more then one every two weeks. Any how, life is life. I went ice skating tonight, that was a lot of fun. At first I was like "this shouldn't be too hard I roller blade all the time." Then I hit the ice, and was scared. After about half an hour I was doing better. I fell three times. Twice because Josh Moss is a dork. It was still a lot of fun. I only have nine weeks of school left!!! I can't wait till summer. Still deciding what and where to go. But my girl Rachel should be staying the summer with me which I can't wait to see her, haven't seen her since July. O, how I miss some people. Tomorrow is a mystery dinner at Zion to help for the Costa Rica missions trip. It sounds like so much fun. Hmm.....now I am just going to ramble on about how much I hate guys. Some need to not be confused and others need to go away and come back in two years. I guess I am tired of my mom trying to pick the guys for me. Any how I don't want to get into that because it is almost midnight and I should be sleeping. Quick fact, don't go to the Exeter Mc Donalds at 11:30 to crave your parfiet needs. They suck and don't make them that late, thus causing me to be awake wanting one yet.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Well, failed my drivers test. Here are all the reasons (yeah lots of them.) My one brake light in the back doesn't work, the guy sat down in the car and I had it in first instead of neutral, and I hit the curb while parallel parking. I don't feel too bad because the two people in front of me failed too. I can wait another month I guess. I made a goal to get my license before March 6th, hope it will be met.=( Here are my reasons for wanting to fail (yeah there are some!) I wanted to get my braces off first, I can't pay for the bills and another month of free gas would be good, and now my friends aren't bugging me for rides. Other then that, I am starting to suck in school and Bible quizzing this year isn't the greatest. I kinda gave up on Bible quizzing, I have so much on my mind. But it was nice to get a e-mail from the owner of skateaway saying my boss was a ___hole. Those are fun e-mails. I really am not upset about failing three tests today, (chemistry, geometry, and drivers.) I know I should be, but something is keeping me calm, expect for the fact my mom was greatly pissed that I failed my drivers test because now she has to drive with me another month. Well, that is the end of my post for today.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Well, it is a new month. Since I have last wrote I got into a sledding accident, it was quiet fun getting seven people on one tube. But I am now able to walk better and getting over that. Boys are dumb. I normally hate posting about guys but this is because I am mad. Okay, leave me alone guys. I am done with that crap. Don't tell me you like me then decide you find someone better, don't say that you like me then get to know me and say I don't meet your expectations . It makes me feel lower then dirt. I am fine the way I am, and some day someone will think I am perfect for them. And to those guys who are mean, hate to bust your bubble but your not finding the perfect girl. We all have stuggles. I am thankful God is here with me though. He is the only one I can trust not to turn his back on me. Other then that I am good. Life likes to throw lots of stuff at me though, but I guess it makes me stronger. (and with the knee now my arms are stonger.) So, in the next month I plan on getting my license. If you can go with me lets hang out. I have had a shortage of friends that are allowed to go in a car with me, because I am a new driver. But I have been driving eight months now. Any how God bless and have an awesome week. Till I write back.

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