
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Okay I hate Doctors even more. I had to have x-rays done on my neck because it hurt. Turns out from the car accident that I had way back in June really messed up my neck and I'll prob have to go for an MRI soon on it. Which sucks. I am so sick of Doctors and problems. I don't know what's going to happen with my neck. They want to give me meds which I am not happy about. But life is still going good. Rachel was here for a week and I had a blast. First time getting lost. Costa Rica fundraisers are going good. God hasn't given me huge chunks of it but day to day he is providing. This was a quick post because my bed calls me. NIGHT!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Okay I hate doctors. After this week I am not going to a Doctor for awhile. I have had a cold for awhile but it started getting really bad. So my mom called the Doc and I went Monday, the doc sent me to the ER because I was having trouble breathing. Here I let it go so long that it is a sinus infection, bronchitis, and a little fluid it the right lung. If I would have let it go a couple more days I would have had ammonia. But Rachel is in PA this week. I am so excited that she is here. I will see her tomorrow. My car is running better I have spent a bunch of money again to give it a good check up. That's all for this post for those who still read this.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

It has only been six days since my last post but a lot MORE has happened, most bad. Sunday night I lost my vision and got light headed. So, I had to go to the doctor Monday. While checking me out he realized I hadn't been updated on shots. So, I got shots on each arm. But he couldn't find what was wrong and had me go get blood work today. So, soon I will find out what is wrong. It could be a pinched nerve in my neck from the car accident in June. Just keep that in prayers. Also the thing with Costa Rica is really crazy, I don't know if I can raise the money. I trust God, but it is hard. So, if you want to help me I can like clean your house or something for pay.=) I need to find time to go job hunting for a new job, I love my job but it doesn't pay enough. My mom wants me to apply at Dollar store and Wal-Mart. Well, that's all for this post.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

A lot has happened since I last posted. I found out I am going to Costa Rica. I am excited about that. It is a real struggle with the money though, my parents are giving me $20 but that is it. So, I have to take a real step of faith that the money will be there somehow. I am always watching my money and keep tight to a budget. So, this is all new for me. I got a letter from Isaiah and my compassion child. She wrote how she is so thankful for the money, She is using the money right now to pay for her dad's hospital bills and she was so happy because she bought a bus ticket and got to see her dad. She also drew Isaiah and me a picture. You all should get a compassion child. Uhh....Lets see today I got my license. It was sooo scary. Two people before me failed, and I was scared. This time the guy sat down and was surprised I was driving stick. I was really bad though. I did awesome on parallel parking (thanks for the tip Kim!), but then at one stop I was about to go and this old lady didn't look and I had to slam on the brakes. Then I stopped at another stop sign and then inched forward and went, but the guy told me I went through the stop sign because I wasn't suppose to stop at the sign, I had to stop at the line. I was confused. O, and here is the greatest part of the test, I was driving and there was an ice chunk, I didn't want to hit it so I went around, and the guy was like, "Melody stay on your side of the road." So, it was interesting, I passed though and I am happy. I went for a cruise. Quizzing is getting better, I am having fun again, and Brook quizzed out!!! Kairsie and Josh are also in the top fifty. So yay for them!

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