
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The need to update has overcome me again. On Tuesday I got my braces off finally. I am excited to show off my "new" smile. Although there is still a piece of cement stuck to my one tooth that in annoying the crap outa me. I go back today and get my retainer.
I have done lots of swimming and I'm enjoying owning a pool. The pool is getting great use this year with friends coming over at all times of the day (or night) to swim. Maybe I'll work on a tan or skin cancer or something.
Another year of school has started. I started my Sr. year in school and it is already lots of work. I have a lot of credits that I have to get to graduate. But starting now should get me ahead in stuff which I will need when I go to Florida this year. I plan to go to Florida for a week. Because I miss my Rachel.
Kairsie leaves on the 28th. That saddens me greatly. I know it is good for her to leave but it is hard to see her go. And then this fall when every one and their mom goes to college. This is just another point in life I guess. But Rachel Herber will be back in august. Well thus ends my pretty long post.

Monday, June 06, 2005

I thought I should update since I found out people still read this. Starting school already that way I can take off and go to Costa Rica. I am really excited about Costa Rica. I know God will teach me so much there. I am trying to prepare myself for it by being in the word and stuff. I know it will be really hard though because I have such a love for orphans and helpless kids.
Still didn't get an interview with any places. I applied and have put it in God's hands. I don't mind taking the summer off and doing odd jobs. I should get back to school, and go look at the amazing lightning outside.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

cars suck. Chiroprators hurt but make you better. I am the best at looking like a duck, or maybe a goose. School is done for three more weeks or so. And Work laid me off. So I am chillin' doing simple jobs call me if ya wanna swim.

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