
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I love friends! Tonight I had a great time with Brook and Justin at the mall. Brook did my hair really yucky looking and told me if I walked around the mall like that he would buy me a soda. So, I walked around the mall and only saw one kid I "know" I don't even know his name just saw him around.
School starts tomorrow for most kids. Never will get to witness the first day of school thing. Weird school kids. I miss a lot of my friends because of college though. *tear* I hate school. And I hate money. I still didn't get a tire for my car and am running on what my daddy said is a spare because I shouldn't be putting tons of miles on it. (which I don't plan to with gas prices any how.) Waiting for Curt to try and find me cheap tires. Start work soon I will be working twice a week at skateaway and 4 hours at church and then another cleaning job and once a week for Jenna. I am praying it will cover my bills because I would like to try and do school and not get another job. I should prob go check and see if I have enough money in the bank with all the checks I had to write lately.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Life is great huh? Well, I am still sick and not getting better. I called the doctor and they said just keep taking the meds.

So I was driving today in the rain. And I was going around a corner and well my tire decided it had enough of me. So, I lost control as the tire exploded on me, but I got it back before hitting anybody. I got into the walmart parking lot okay and now I am with out a car.....isn't life grand?

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Purple Door rocks! Blindside was amazing and I loved going into the mosh pit. I got someone's head in mine causing a bloody lip and my head to go into Rachel's....poor Rachel. But it was totally worth it. Then for Last Tuesday Daniel, Jaron, Dave and I went crazy and we were the only ones going all out so carol said he would give us ten bucks (which he never did.) Relient K was good but they didn't play their old stuff which I like the old stuff, and I got rejected when I asked a guy to the Sadie Hawkins dance. The worst part about the weekend was being sick. I have a sore throat and the doctor is almost a hundred percent sure I have Lyme disease. So hopefully I get better.
Okay maybe being sick wasn't the worst part. The worst part was seeing the compassion children. I was hurting so bad but I already have a compassion child and I know I can't afford another one. I saw all these kids buying cds and walking right by compassion. I have never been this moved by compassion. Maybe because I have a compassion child now, or maybe it was Costa Rica. I don't know but I wish I could do more then pray. I know prayer is powerful but God also says don't just say I wish you well be warm and well fed. We need to do more. I donate money but can't there be more. I try and get my friends to sponsor kids.......but there has to be more that I can do......

Monday, August 15, 2005

POST #163

Well, at like 5:30 this morning I drove Kairsie to the bus station. I had a nice but short weekend with her. She got here early Sat (about 3). We talked for awhile then went out to breakfast at 6am. Slept a little and she left for Club worship and I had a family gathering. Sunday we were good kids and went to church while the rents stayed home.
Justin and Brook rock my world right now. I have had so much fun with those guys lately. Hanging and watching movies.
Tonight I learned that cumru has a 9'o clock curfew. Okay some one tell me what is up with a 9'0 clock curfew when driving curfew is 11? Dang cumru police. But yay for looking cute and for being dumb, I got out of getting a fine. No more sitting on the side of the road. Grr......Anyhow.
I soon will only be going to the chiropractor once a week! This excites me greatly. I am getting better and being at Costa Rica only put me back a little.
Purple Door is this weekend. They are calling for rain AGAIN!!! If Blindside gets canceled again some one is going to get hurt. I missed them two years in a row I will not miss them again. Well, I have to go talking from the rents is coming.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Beans and rice, I come home and my mom makes me beans and rice for food whats up with that? Any how I am missing the people in Costa Rica so bad, I am still praying about going back. Well, I have been getting along with everybody lately! I am trying to resolve stuff. I hate going to people and apoligizing for being dumb, maybe I will stop being such a jerk to some people. (sorry guys!) Well, I am going to be babysitting alot again. I was praying because I felt I would not have enough money to get by, and right now it doesn't look like I will, but I was offered some more babysitting jobs which should help hold me over. I need to sell my car because the money won't be there for insurance or inspection. Which stinks because my car is nice and running well. (Brook shut up my car rocks you weren't suppose to see me broken down in front of your house, I just forgot it needed oil.) I know God will provide a new car when I get back next summer from where ever I go. Kairsie is coming back this weekend! I am excited. I still miss my Rachel, Happy birthday chica.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

God is amazing. I had a blast in Costa Rica. I cried more in those 11 days then I have in the last two years. My heart brakes for those people now. The training was amazing and they did a little "passion" drama thing. Which was really powerful. When we got to ministry it was hard. The people were really nice and welcomed us but it was hard to see what they lived in. Our Team got to stay in one of the nicer houses there. We had a cement floor wood walls and some pieces of metal as a roof. Amazingly it stayed up during the earth quake. Yeah, that's right the one night we were awoken by an earth quake.
The bugs were gross but that is what the people live with there. We walked in and cock roaches ran away and there were spiders (they called them tarantulas.) they were about as big as my hand (those were the baby ones) some were twice as big. I will write more on that later.
The drama team was great. Keith, Gabby, Josh, Deanna and I did the drama "king of hearts" the rest of the team kept saying how it almost made them cry every time. When I was doing the dramas the one time in the park I did my crying pose and had my arm out like I was desperate for help and I was looking at this older lady and I saw how she was touched. I know that's what I was suppose to be doing. I am trying to keep following God's plan for my life. We'll see what happens when I graduate. While I was away I felt called to be a missionary next summer. I can't leave for long but I would love to give my summer away next year. I talked to my parents and AMAZINGLY they said they approved. My dad is having a harder time with it them my mom. My dad said I can only go away if I have contact with them while away. But it is up to God. I will be 18 and out of school. Till then please please pray for me because I don't want to get a real job if it is only for a couple months, So money will be really really short. I might be forced to sell my car and not have one for five months until I go into missionary work then I would buy one when I get back. But I leave my life up to God.
The other thing I got out of the trip was awesome friends. I got so close to people and I am missing my team so much. It is the first day home and I can't stand being here. Although being with people so long can cause fights. I have never been as mad at Brook as I am now. But I also like him even more for talking to me. Relationships are dumb and confusing. I LOVE YOU ALL AND MISS YOU GUYS.

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