
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Friday, April 28, 2006

EDIT Skateaway has made themselves up. I have recieved a call and my youth group (and friends aka quizzers and cool peeps) get the rink to ourselves for free! So, I will be calling people with the new date.

GRRR....Okay so I have been planning this skating party for about a month now. I have made tons of calls and e-mails, invited quizzers and youth group peeps, everyone. I found out today they will not be open for that day because they are re-coating the floor! So, I had the rink for that night and the totally screwed me over. Maybe I am over reacting, but that is no way for a business to run.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I skipped school for the first time on Tuesday! I had a 103 fever and I had passed out that morning so there was no way I was going to school. It is amazing how just being sick for three days can put you so far behind on homework.

Youth Sunday is this coming Sunday. I am suppose to speak about what I am doing this summer, although EMM hasn't really told me what I will be doing.

I just realized after school is done in May I will have two weeks off everything (but work that is) But I will be off all of my school work!!! I can't wait till then....well I should be back at my school work. I have a bunch due tomorrow that I need to get on. And a ten page paper to write this weekend along with reading over a hundred pages.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Praise God for this beautiful day. I am no longer working for the Test's so I can sit outside and do my homework, which I can't wait....I might even have time to take a much needed nap.

I love Gabby! I got a e-mail from her this morning. Yay Gabby! It is so nice to hear how she is doing in India.

It is fun planning a skating party for youth group. I get to be outgoing with people I don't normally talk to, and that has opened a lot of new friendships (or re-opened).

I am planning a party for June 4th for my graduation/birthday/going away. It shall be fun. I will be sending out invitations as soon as I get them.

I had testing on Monday to see if I can graduate. It was early morning and I didn't get much sleep. I was so dead and couldn't remember anything. By the blessings of God I passed! I am graduating with a GPA of 3.6! Although I told Brook they screwed up and I finished with a 2.6 and he totally believed me. He doesn't think I am smart or something. But I am happy with myself for finishing High School well.

I AM DONE HIGH SCHOOL GUYS!!! I feel old, and scared because after talking with my Teacher he sees so much in me and I would like to do amazing things for Christ. Is it wrong to live day by day for him?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

It is not my fault this happened 

Okay it is done, I have over come one step in beating this, now where is the healing? Is there none in sight? When can these tears stop flowing? Why is it that we have to find the person who caused the pain rather then help the person with the pain? Why can't we let go of revenge and look to healing?

....maybe I just expect too much out of people.....

....maybe I expect people to be too serious too much...but there are real pains and problems, do we have to keep looking past that? Why does it always seem like my closest friends don't struggle like I do? Why can't they just be honest with me too....

....I love God so much....Anytime I need Him he'll always be right there. Last Friday I was able to just relax and enjoy God's presence and his wonder.

My love to: Lyn, Kairsie, Brook, and Jeff this week (and other weeks too but a shout out to you guys for this week.)

I love my youth leaders so much. God has really blessed me in that area. I have had great people encouraging me to pursue and continue in my walk with Christ. Thank you Jeff, Candi, Jon and Lyn!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Someone needs to inform me before they change 222 and I am half asleep driving it.

The drive home is getting quicker, I was home within 35 min.

I am not being nice to Brook any more. He was sick yesterday and didn't go to school so I picked him up something at Rita's and brought it over. Now I am sick. Blah for being nice.

Youth group was really good Sunday. God is good and I really felt the Holy Spirit moving in many ways, now if only I could be more out going and speak the Holy Spirit's words sometimes.

Friday, April 07, 2006

AGAIN I HATE DOCTORS!!! Not going into detail but lets just say I had at least seven tubs of blood drawn today, and that was the easy part of the day. Prayers would be nice, again no details will be given.

I want my Rachel =(

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Slept in till 6:00AM today, then went to class. Brook called me on the way home, he was at Dunkin Donuts, to tell me he got his license! Yay Brook! Guess who will be driving me all around now instead of vice versa. =) I am happy for him.

p.s. My teacher is never allowed to talk about my bad experiences in class again. He goes, "How many of you have been in your car and then another white car with flashin' lights comes behind you." Ugh I had to raise my hand with about two others from class. And then he asked how it felt....maybe he should have asked Brook ;). I wasn't too scared because I had no idea what I did wrong.

p.s.s Why is it when I talk about how much I love Rachel no one cares but as soon as I type stuff about Brook here people go crazy? Is it wrong to have two best friends and talk about them both?

Side note: totally going to enjoy this weekend and not do my homework till Sunday.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I got an "A" in class FINALLY! I got a 94% on my one paper! I am happy, although the other one came back and has a "B" with another 92%. I guess I owe Brook something since he was the one who helped with my grammar. But I am very happy with myself to be able to keep a 92% average in my college class. Maybe I can get my parents to pay for my gas for a week for every "A" I get.
In other news Kairsie is spending the weekend. So I will have some fun after all my homework is completed. I should really start on my ten page paper due in three weeks.
Two more months till Rachel comes, can't wait. O, and what should I do on my b-day? I will be 18, and all but I don't know what I want to do. My family and Brook are all busy because of Memorial day weekend, which stinks. I think I might rent a hotel room by myself just because I could. I am not the rebel who will go out and buy cigarettes. Well, back to school I go.

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