
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Friday, June 30, 2006


So this picture has been going around on the HDC computer, I thought I would put it up. Sorry I have no other pictures because I don't have the cable for my camera.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Went to wal-mart today! It was mad fun and I bought fruits, yogurt, and a new bike seat cover to take to Lithuania because I was told to bring one for my bootie.
Today marks a brake threw in my life, I made my first hemp bracelet. I will be showing it off. I was going to make some for my friends but I don't know who likes what colors and poop, but if you really want one leave a comment or e-mail me.
I biked about 12 miles today, that was fun. I ran over a dead skunk though and my bike (Becky's really) smells now.
So I really saw God today. The other day my team went on a wild goose chase to get five working bikes, after running all around we stopped at a towing place to see if they had a pump to pump up our tires. So, finally we got the bikes working. Well, today we were biking and I here this, "Hey I filled your bike tires up." And here it was the same guy who filled the tires. Here he works two jobs and is corrently homeless. He shared about his life and prayer requests, and right in Harrisburg on the bridge to go to city island we were able to pray with this guy! It was so amazing.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Another day here at HDC.

Today was grand. We had drama training, I love doing dramas. My group rocks my socks and we just went for ice cream.

I'll write back later

Monday, June 19, 2006

Well, I am now here at HDC and am loving it. I have made lots of friends and love my team. Today we walked around Harrisburg and I had a piece of tape on my forhead saying "Kakamaers" Don't ask.
God is doing great things here, we didn't have any sessions yet just rules and games. Tomorrow morning we start our working out at 6:00 in the morning but today we slept in till 7:00.
Continue to pray for us here. Prayers really do make a difference. I can not wait till Lithuania and the outreach there. Well, my computer time is up for now. God bless and enjoy till I can update next time!

Monday, June 12, 2006

God is SO good!!! 

Well, as of last night I had to raise $935 to be exact by today or have it pledged. I was really scared but I trusted God and kept praying. I told God I wanted to do his will even if that meant I had to donate the money, which I really don't have anyway. Today I got $900 in donations!!!! God likes to keep us waiting sometimes, keeps us on the ends of our seats and presses us to keep trusting, and he is faithful! Praise be to God!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Silent retreat today. I only stayed for a little, it was good though but I would much rather drive and pray then sit there because when I am outside I can't focus right and keep wanting to sleep. I was also sad because I missed seeing the Fuhrman boys before they left.
I had to say goodbye to Brook today. He leaves for camp today. I didn't get to give him a good goodbye but I will see him on Saturday and then I LEAVE SUNDAY!!!
Major prayer request, I need $900 by TOMORROW!! So if you haven't given give now!
Rachel is here I have been having fun with her. I missed her a lot.

Monday, June 05, 2006

I'm done school! 

It is all over, graduation, party, everything. These next two weeks will be spent shopping, packing, hanging with friends, seeing Rachel and saying goodbye. I am so excited about this summer.
Graduation was alright I made all the girls rebel and not wear the one piece of the gown that was suppose to cover to make sure no chest was showing. Go me!
Party was okay although I was really sad that a lot of people didn't show up.
I would like to say thanks to Mr. Samuel Musselman for lending me his bike for the next two weeks. I have to bike 160 miles while in Lithuania so they told me to practice awhile, which without having a working bike was really hard. So, my thanks to Sam. (I so wanna date that boy.)
In urgent news I still need to raise about $800 by this Monday!!! I donated a lot of my b-day/graduation money towards my trip, but still need more because I have to pay for all the stuff like shampoo and toothpaste while in training and stuff, and it adds up quick.
I am getting an x-box with DDR and I am happy, THANKS JAKE FUHRMAN!
Also I would like to say that I really like Brook! Again he was there to pray with me last night. So ya'll we were not kissing and crap in the library we were praying, so you can stop your gossip.
Jon Carlson spoke at youth group last night. It was really good because normally we do cause what we are going through, but right now I feel it wasn't my fault for what I am going through. In fact I know it wasn't my fault even though sometimes I blame myself. So good lesson Jon and I did get some out of it, but there is this feeling that came with it where I started blaming myself for what I am going through, I talked to Brook and he keeps saying it is not me... Okay I will shut up now. Luv ya all! Hugs and kisses my dears.

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