
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dear God, thank you! 

Well, I have three job offers in front of me right now and have to decide by the end of the week. God is good!
I have been learning to stand up more for myself. I didn't realize it was so hard, I know for a fact it is God who makes me strong right now.
On another note, Brook has blessed my socks off this week. I really like that boy! Shut up all you crazy peoples he has been such a great friend to me.
I have to go finish my last three days at Wendy's. But things are better now!
If you all could keep me in your prayers though as I start a new job and have stuff to deal with because of the old job yet, paper work and the such.

Monday, September 25, 2006

God is good, He is the source of my comfort.

Today I talked to the manager at Wawa and have an interview on Wed. I hope I get the job, I don't care what the times are or really what the pay is I need to get out of Wendy's now. I also am going to call Turkey Hill and Redners and try and set up those interviews, I really want to get out of my job before it is too late...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I am at a loss for words for how I feel, so I will use song lyrics in this post.

Who are you to tell me
that I’m less than what I should be
Who are you ,Who are you
I don’t need to listen
to the list of things I should do
I won’t try - I won’t try
You don’t define me, you don’t define me
Mirror I am seeing a new reflection
I’m looking into the eyes of He, who made me
To Him I have beauty beyond compare
I know He defines me

Why, why are You still with me?
Didn't You see what I've done?
In my shame I want to run and hide myself
But it's here I see the truth
Your love makes me see who I really am

May I be filled with peace by the amazing God we serve.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The retreat was good. I had a lot of fun and enjoyed getting out of my comfort zone and meeting new people.
So I am deciding what I would like to do. I want to work for the next year and save up money and go into YES next fall. Going either to Belize or South America, but God may change that. After that I would love to either go back to LBC for some kind of cultural work or go to a college for massage therapy and work for a Chiropractor. I know God will lead me as I keep following him.
I might be going to Hershey park on Sat for free, not sure yet. I also might be going to HDC on Sunday to visit some of my friends from this summer.
God is really working in my life. As some of you know a guy from my work was walking to work and was hit by a car in a hit and run. This weekend our speaking was teaching and it mad me think, "Did my actions at work make him know I was a Christian?" I was working with him about 30hours a week. I am also praying for God's timing as to witnessing to people at work. We never know when life is over, but I don't want to push them and make them not want to accept Christ. I have talked about God with one other employee but is that enough? Should I be trying harder?
My mom and I have really been starting to work things out since I got back from Lithuania. Praise God! Right before I left Jeff challenged me by saying I needed to work some things out with my family. And I have been trying and God has been moving.
I am going to Scotland! I have no clue where the money is going to come from. I really am praying because I know even if I am working 60+ hours a week I will not have the money because I had to go negative to pay insurance and car. I have $160 in my bank account and have lots of bills. Prayer would be really nice right now! I know God is good and will provide but sometimes it really scares me.
I am continually learning how to let God fill every area of my life. It is an every learning experience. I have really screwed up on a couple things lately and just keep getting blown away by God's grace. He really is amazing! I don't know how he keeps loving me like this. During the retreat he was showing me how I have tried to look hot lately and feel pretty but he has shown me such a deeper beauty and I have to be working on that instead of having my face in front of a mirror working on it. I never will look perfect.

Friday, September 08, 2006

It is now 2:26AM and I just got home from work. I am working 5:00pm-2:00am Monday through Friday at Wendy's. Not the greatest job but it pays the bills. Dang though my feet hurt so bad from standing all day. Not to mention the huge gashes I get in my hands from washing dishes.
I am mad excited about the fall retreat, maybe it is because I am working and I really look forward to weekends, or maybe because it will rock my socks like never before. I talked to Brook for four minutes today on the phone and he said Adam and Brandon are going this year and that made my day. Either that or finally talking to Brook. Since my hours are dumb I lost all social life and haven't even been able to talk on the phone. I am also working part time at the church right now too.
Alright I am finally going to bed! Besides my computer doesn't work right anyhow. We are going to wipe the whole thing off and reload everything.

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