
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Alright so since we forgot/didn't know about day light savings time I am up an hour early and decided to post. We are staying at almost a castle like house. It is huge! Now this may seem really nice but it is big and scary and COLD. I have been cold, but I really enjoy having my own sink and the such.

Well, if you want to know what we are doing day to day check out Jeff's blog. He has been updating on the details, there is a link on the side.

Continue to pray for us! And have a great day.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Scotland baby! 

Cheers people! Well the team made it safe in Scotland and haven't killed any body yet, although I was close to it sitting next to Nate on a long car trip and he admitted he thought I was ugly (Brook that's where you come in to kicking his butt.).

Jeff has been pretty good with driving on the left side on the road and the steering wheel on the right of the car. He keeps driving off the left side of the road. There was once where we were on the right side of the road with a car coming towards us, that is when Julie started yelling, "left Jeff left!"

Yesterday we went to the castle where Monty Python and the holy grail was filmed. Quite an excited point in my life. The whole team (minus Kairsie who was sleeping) got coconuts and were clapping then while running around the castle. We got some cool pictures of us doing crazy stuff just like in the movie, and we said lines while going all. At one part I went on a windowsill and sat there and said, "But Father I just wanna sing!" It was a great time

Tomorrow we start on outreach, I am really excited and some of the guys speak Lithuania so that should be fun. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to have a very busy schedule. So many cute guys so little time, I mean there is so much we could be doing for God. But really please continue to pray for our outreach and for team unity as we might have trouble making choices on somethings.

Friday, October 20, 2006

So I went to the Musselman's house the other day and April was reading Jeff's blog, and it got me thinking, "Does she read my blog?" I don't really care who reads my blog because I cannot stop anyone, thus the internet. But if I have so much power in my words and anyone who wants can read them what do I really want to be getting across? (hello April if you're reading this!) Do I really want people to know why I really quit my job? Do I want people to really know what I feel? Should I just keep everything hidden? If I am only going to post about dumb things, should I really post at all? Hmm... the life of blogger. Honestly I really like to talk and would love to hang with ya'll (yes, you to April.) .

I leave for Scotland on Monday and I am really really excited. I just started packing. Yay God for allowing this.

Well this post goes out to April because she rocks my socks.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Best friendS 

Life has been crazy but yet boring. I am working 60ish hours a week but my job is so boring at Turkey Hill. During third shift the hardest part of the job is normally staying awake.

I leave for Scotland in a couple days and on Friday I will have paid the trip off and might have some spending money as long as my car stays running good. I am really excited to see how God is moving there. Also I am excited about the team, we are all so different and I think it will be fun to get to know each other better. The only thing I am scared about is maybe having to share my testimony, seems like it is always changing and God keeps challenging me to add the really painful stuff in my testimony.

I really miss Rachel F again but will see her in December Lord willing. My life has really changed without her, she is my best friend and it has been really hard. God has given me lots of great friends at youth group and has given me Brook. For all who are asking Brook and I are NOT going out and will not be going out any time soon or ever. A lot has changed in my relationship with him in the last couple months and it hurt a lot but I am at the point where I can say he is my best friend, and that means a lot to me. Ever since Rachel left I never told anyone that they were my best friend, and now I am going to say I have two! Rachel and Brook.

Please continue to pray for things with Wendy's. Also pray for safety for me at my new job. I get to be my own boss but that also means I work by myself 11:00pm-5:00am which is scary.

Monday, October 09, 2006

God is again good to me and keeps meeting me. The other day I was really out of it and so annoyed I couldn't take it. I had just gotten back from working some more stuff out at Wendy's and was trying to keep it together, then I get home to family issues and I was just sick of crying. I had a knife from work and started to look for it when instead I prayed, and God spoke so clearly to me, plain as day, "Mel, my son died for his sins, he bled to bring you healing. The price has been paid for the sin that happened and no more blood should be shed." I just stopped and spent the night on a great date with my God. I don't say this to scare anyone or anything but rather as encouragement to you. God cares about everything, he wants to meet you where you are at. I have realized that was my prayer for awhile, "God meet me" and He has, now I find myself praying for others that God would meet them. I went into work that night so freed, I talked to my boss a little about God, and when I was alone I just sang. I like to sing even if I suck at it, I really enjoy singing.

In other news, Brynn, Lindsey, and Inna rock my socks! Youth group was so fun tonight doing our little dance. Girls really can cheer me up! Some girls just have that something that always makes me smile! Luv ya chicas!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Can I have your i.d please? 

So there is this guy, and he is cute, and a Christian. =) Maybe it is my time to have fun in the dating scene. No serious dating crap just having fun hanging out and meeting new guys. I have learned from Brook that I really like the dating stuff. Yeah, it hurt like crap but that is how I grew and learned. I get annoyed with Christian girls not dating till the "right one" comes along, and if it doesn't work they get hurt so much worse. Or they just say, "God will bring the right one to me I just have to wait." I don't know about you but I am not dating the UPS guy so I am going out and meeting guys myself.

My new job is weird. I don't really do too much, make coffee and clean some things. The hours really suck though, 10:00pm-6:30am. I might enjoy my job, and I get to half a knife with me all the time. Although the second night of work I had to deal with the police. That was fun.

Well, I am out! God bless!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"I need this boy...like I need a bowling ball smashed on my head, which means not at all."-Superchick

"We could have been everything
But now we're not
Now it's not anything at all
The hardest part was getting this close to you
And giving up this dream i built with you
A fairytale that isn't coming true
You've got some growing up to do

I wish we could have worked it out
I wish i didn't have these doubts
I wish i didn't have to wonder just what you are doing now
I wish that i could stop this wishing and just say my last goodbye
After all the things you put me through
Tell me why i'm still in love with you
And why am i, why am i still waiting for your call
You broke my heart
I'm taking it back from you
And taking back the life i gave to you
Life goes on before and after you.." -Superchick

Yay for superchick right now, I like their lyrics I can relate and they make me giggle. I start my new job in a couple hours, I hate that everything has changed for me in the past two weeks. I had to quit my job, I had to stand up for myself, I lost my boy whatever, I almost lost Brook as a friend completely (we still aren't the greatest of friends). Life hurts so bad right now. But God has been so good to me and been providing for me. My mom and I have been getting really close, I just got a crap load of free food from Wendy's that should last me a couple days of not buying food, I got a new job, my car will be fixed Wed for free(minus the $125 for the part). Somehow I am hoping Scotland will be paid for. I have been writing checks to the church to pay for Scotland but my pay checks aren't going to cover it even if I dont' buy anything or eat anything. I know God is good though.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Life is hard, then you die 

"I am not alright"

I know I shouldn't update because I am upset and might type more then I should and hurt some people.

Yeah, so I am depressed right now, I don't believe it is wrong for me to be upset.

So much has changed from Kentucky 2004, God has radically been moving in my life and I have gotten closer to so many people.

I miss Rachel F so much again. She is a great friend and our friendship will never end.

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