
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Let the darkness drift away 

Wow life. Wow God.

Sometimes I really enjoy life. Now is one of those times where I question God though.

So Dave and I were going out and both knew to keep friends important in our lives. Well I work with Dave and so does his best friend. On Friday night Dave came with me to church and on Saturday we talked on the phone, that was it. He wouldn't call me or answer when I called. I walked into work and Dave and his friend were working and Dave's friend just started ranting to me and yelling about how I have to stay away from Dave and stop feeding him my Jesus crap. Apparently Dave was talking about God and went to church with me instead of partying. Since Dave is too good of a friend he has decided not to have anything to do with me.
Now I don't want crap about how I shouldn't date a nonChristian. It really hurts seeing him hungry for God and asking questions and then being taking away from me. I just wish I could still be his friend without losing what I believe in.

So if you followed any of that story props to you!

In other news I should be moving to first shift sorta soon! Yay!

Quizzing is going great! I love my quiz team.

God is really good and always keeping me near and forever challenging me.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Life update! 

Normally I sit down and write about thoughts, today it is totally an update on me! (leave now if you just want gossip)

I am really enjoying my job! My boss is great and easy to work with. He is letting me only work 39hours a week just so I can go in later for quizzing! Isn't that great?

I just got health insurance which is a really really funny story. Talk to me if you would like to hear what my dad screwed up.

My car was inspected yesterday and passed without needing ANYTHING!!!!! I was sooo happy. I did have the oxygen sensor replaced to help with the engine and fuel efficiency.

So, awhile back I posted about cute boy who came on New years day and asked about my midnight kiss. Well, he has been back once a week and it is a blast. Last night we spent three hours together talking and laughing our heads off as we ran around Turkey Hill shooting each other with rubber bands. He is a really great guy! He said he wants to take me to dinner sometime and I warned him it couldn't be at Viva. (he works at Viva and gets 50% off.)

Quizzing is starting up again and I am really excited. I have the bestest team ever! I really am excited about my team. And the whole have fun or die thing has really been my life lately.

Well on top of my 40+ hours a week at Turkey Hill I am bringing in some spare cash by working at the church some nights.

God keeps reminding me why I love my friends. Each of them is so different and each one I need. Like sometimes I just love to have a blast with my friend Dave, and sometimes I just need a girl to talk to like Brynn or Verdi, or sometimes I just need Brook to listen and pray. God has made us all uniquely different and uniquely special! It is so amazingly made! I love you guys so much!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Profile thing 

This here thinger is to tell me and you about me, or something of that sort. I normally don't do these things but I love finding out what people think about me and the such.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Long time no posts 

Dang it was a long time.

I've had a lot on my mind. I love working at Turkey Hill. I have been talking to a lot of people. People just come in with nothing to do and are willing to open up. I have been asking questions about God to people. It has really had me thinking like why people don't go to church. One lady said Christians aren't any different and she has been cussed out by a guy driving to his church. One guy said he only goes Holidays and asks for forgiveness.

Even though I love my job I wasn't happy the other night. New year's eve I was working and my co-worker didn't show up so I was by myself. Although this really cute guy which comes in quite often came in, bought his stuff and left. He came back in a couple minutes and said he had to ask me something. His question was, "Did you get a midnight kiss yet?" My response was, "I don't kiss strangers." He stood there smiled and goes, "Then ask me any questions you want." After over an hour of talking to him he left without a kiss, and prob never wants to see me again after I gave him my love for missions speech.

I really miss some friends, I had a great couple days with Rachel and now I really miss her again. I haven't talked to Brook in a long time and REALLY miss just laughing, talking, and praying with him. I'm not blaming him at all but since I lost his accountability I haven't been giving God as much time and have been hanging with a nonChristian boy a lot. But I am to blame for all that and I know I am doing wrong and trying to get right with God.

O, and Dave and I aren't dating anymore. He isn't my boyfriend anymore. I'm not his girlfriend. He knows that now. And I have never seen him ask so many questions about God and why it means so much that I would give up everything. He is a good guy and I ask that people be open to him.

I love life! And me and my parents are talking once again and I am paying them money for rent and basically on my own.

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