
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

coming together 

Things are starting to come together right now. I have so much planed. I am going to Canada, Tennessee and YES. My life is just me and God. I am seriously starting to not care about leaving my friends for a year. I have my hardcore group of friends that I love and I know that I will not lose those friendships.

God is also showing me that I can pamper myself sometimes and just enjoy that he made me beautiful without showing it. Nathan has been a big help in that area and Kairsie can vouch for that too. He has this way of being so chivalrous and treats every girl like a princess and thus I feel so amazingly loved and respected. Me and him have this thing to go against the worlds way, he is going to be chivalrous and I am going to modest. He is totally an awesome friend.

Wow my b-day is in two days! I am working which I guess is fine. I really don't think about it too much. It is pay and a half and I need the money. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELODY!!!!!!!!! Hehe I am in such a good mood lately, like no matter what goes on I realized I have friends I can call at 1:00am crying, and no matter what happens God is there.

Monday, May 07, 2007

life gets dirty sometimes! 

I LOVE my friends! Yesterday Justin, Kairsie, Nate and I went four wheeling and dirt biking. It was so amazing. There was big puddles and Nate would hit them and get me all wet. After getting all dirty we crashed the church baseball game.
My life has been really crazy lately. I am planning all this stuff and so excited about everything. I can't wait to see Rachel.
Another new thing is I have a offical boyfriend now. (as seen above.) His name is Nate and he is really sweet. (wow this is really lame here.) Not many people know the full extent of his awesomeness, well Kairsie sorta does.
Yesterday at church Jim talked about "what's on your mind" And it really struck me how things have been on my mind. Like for about a month or so it wasn't godly thoughts, but I have been better lately. And my friends really helped that. MUAH!!!

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