
Not every phone call has to end in 'I love you' and not every goodbye has to end with a kiss.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas isn’t really a place but in your heart. 

So this Christmas was special. I was able to celebrate in Bethlehem the birthplace of Christ. It is hard to grasp! Although it was awesome it still didn’t feel like Christmas. I wasn’t able to wake up from a warm bed greet my family and share gifts. I never got to eat shrimp, watch the Christmas story and enjoy those I love most. I really love being here, but being away for Christmas was really hard. It just isn’t Christmas with out my family. I really miss just laughing with my brother and making fun of my dad with my mom. But I realize that if I had the chance to go home I wouldn’t take it. I truly want to be here and the only thing that can make it better would be if God called my friends and family here.
Maybe I am just reaching homesickness. But as I reach the point where it is no longer a vacation and a new place I am forced to be totally reliant on God. The past couple days I have been so homesick as it has reached one month of being here and I realize that I have seven more to go. But the past two days I have just drawn into God more then ever since I have been here.
And I pray it starts showing. Tonight I went on a prayer walk and it was different then most prayer walks because before I left I was so into God’s word and uhh praying! I know it sounds weird but I have been praying so much. God is just showing me the power of prayer. Every time I open my Bible God shows me another verse on prayer.
(time for the update you want to hear) The past two weeks while the kids are with their families I have been praying for them. They all come from Muslim homes. I have also worked in a refugee camp handing out toys and candy to the kids.
It has been a relaxing break and I am just taking all this free time to spend with God. Well, I will write back soon! Miss ya’ll and have a great day.

(Different day) Today was a life changing day. I was sitting in the room typing on my computer and I heard all this shouting. I went outside to met Elis a Palestinian here. There was a protest against the wall. I watched as people shouted and kids threw stones. After about fifteen minutes the Israeli army had enough and through out the tear gas. I felt it burn inside my lungs and my eyes started to water. I turned and ran with the whole crowd. I pushed a news guy out of my way to get away from the fumes. I looked to my right and there were two young boys laying on the side walk unconscious from the gas.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Don’t flush the toilet paper: 

I still can’t comprehend that I am in the West Bank. Every time I leave House of Hope I am hit with the realization that I am not in my home town any more. I’ve traveled the world a lot in the past two years. This is the seventh country I have been in and it is hard to believe I am in the Holy Land. Every country I have been in (except Scotland I think) I haven’t been able to flush the toilet paper (thus the title to this post.) and here in the West bank it is the same. Every morning either Audrey or I have to empty the trash. I know I am in somewhere other then America. But this is not just another trip, this is not just another country. This is God’s trip, this is God’s chosen land. Now how does one grasp that in the human mind? How do I look out the window and understand all of what God has promised to these people?
Today my team and I traveled to Jerusalem. I was able to go to the place where the wailing wall is. The only wall left of the temple. It truly is amazing and no matter how many pictures I take I can’t believe I am here, the one taking the pictures not the one just seeing them on a screen. Why has God chosen me to do this wonderful task? Why has God given me a love for three little girls?
I can not give any answers right now, but praise. Because no matter how much goes on and how many questions I have God knows. He has all the answers. I can’t thank Him enough and talk about Him enough. He has led me each step of the way, each painful step, each glorious step.
My thoughts are really ADD right now, and I apologize. I will write back soon, Lord willing. Internet here is off and on. I miss ya’ll and if you want more stories of what God is doing here complete with pictures check out the team blog at www.yesbethlehem.blogspot.com it has really neat stuff.

God bless ya.
Until next time,


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